Understanding Angel Numbers: Explained by a Numerologist

 What are Angel Numbers

If you've ever noticed the same repetitive sequence of numbers appearing everywhere – for example, you wake up at 5.55 in the morning, buy something for 555 rupees and then book a cab which has a license plate ending with 555 – it's time to broaden your horizons. According to numerology, angel numbers are repeating sequences of numbers that have spiritual meaning(whether you are in harmony with the universe and receiving the positive energy). It isthrough these repeating digits (like 222, 333 and so on) that your guardian angel (angel does not necessarily mean a large, winged entity but it could indicate power and universe or cosmos) tries to speak to you. The most essential thing is to have an open mind in order to comprehend whatever message the universe is attempting to convey to you.

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According to Anshulaa Patthak, a famous numerology consultant in Kolkata, angel numbers work very closely with numerology's principles, which claim that each number is associated with a specific vibrational energy that has a deep-rooted meaning beyond its numerical value. They act as a kind of thumbs up for you to keep on moving along your current route. Consider it a small arrow indicating that you are on the right track in life.

Anshulaa Patthak breaks down how to recognise angel numbers and decipher their significance below to help you better comprehend them.

Significance of Angel Numbers

Angel Number: 111

Meaning: Spiritual enlightenment is related with angel number 111. The angels are telling you to go deep within yourself to find your life purpose. You may be entering a new period of your life that will boost your self-esteem and confidence. The guardian angels want to convey that they are rooting for you to achieve your actual life mission. When you see this numeric pattern, make sure your thoughts and energy are focused on what you want, according to numerology.

Angel Number: 222

Meaning: This number is associated with heavenly love and the inner self. It's an indication that you're on the correct track and should keep moving forward. This could be a sign that someone cares deeply about you. Seeing the number two around might be read as an angel-number reminder to appreciate the moment and accept that you are precisely where you are destined to be.

Angel Number: 333

Meaning: The guardian angels are urging you to get your life back into balance with this sequence. They want you to self-correct in the parts of your life that aren't totally filled out.

Angel Number: 444

Meaning: It is a number of encouragement and protection. If you've been attempting to gain guidance from your angels or signs from the universe and haven't been successful, observing the number four repetitively all around you can act as confirmation that you're being heard. Your guardians are leading you towards the light, despite the fact that it is a difficult moment for you.

Angel Number: 555

Meaning: When you start seeing 555, it's a sign that things are about to change, says the numerologist in Kolkata. Before you become concerned, remember that a change is actually a good thing, even though it is unpleasant. Change might be perceived as a bad thing, but with the appropriate mindset and commitment to your objectives, it can be your angel's way of reorienting your life to meet whatever you want to achieve.

Angel Number: 666

Meaning:If you're seeing 666s all over the place, it's possible that the angels are trying to give you a wake-up call. This is a powerful message from your angel guardians to take personal responsibility for your life and ask yourself, what you need to do differently.

Angel Number: 777

Meaning: The universe is simply telling you to relax and let go of your anxieties for the future by repeating sevens. Your guardian angels are pushing you to exercise your psychic powers by sending you the 777s. You might not be aware of them right now, and you might even dispute it. However, you do have certain secret powers that are worth exploring more.

Angel Number: 888

Meaning: The angel number 888 serves as a reminder to give thanks to the Universe for all of the blessings that are coming your way. Infinity, or the never-ending cycle of energy, is represented by the number eight. Seeing it serves as a gentle reminder from your guardian angels to be grateful for your progress.

Angel Number: 999

Meaning: When you see repeating nines, it implies that the cycle of what you've been doing is coming to an end. You've reached the pinnacle of your current set of objectives, and it's time for you to move on to new ones.


You should remember that angel numbers are calls to action rather than just being messages. You can book a consultation with a numerologist near you and use angel numbers' potential to improve your life through implementation and execution of knowledge they reveal.

Zodiac Cusp Theory – What Does It Mean

 Inner conflict is something we all experience, but for those born on the cusp of two zodiac signs, it's ingrained in their DNA. A birthdate that coincides with the time when the sun exits a zodiac sign and enters another one is known as a cusp sign.

For example, you may be a Cancer, but you will possess a few traits of Leo if you were born on the cusp. In many ways, people born on dates that fall on a zodiac cusp have features from two different zodiac signs rolled into one, says an astrology consultant in Kolkata.This is because you have characteristics derived from the energy of each zodiac sign.

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What dozodiac cusps represent

The dominating natureof an individual (due to the position of the Sun) whose birthday falls on the zodiac cusp, which is the point of transition between two states, roughly 2 or 3 days before and after the crossover between two astrological signs is referred to by the cusp theory. The twilight days between two signs (symbolising a period of obscurity and ambiguity), where one zodiac sign is rising as the other one is setting, are represented by the cusps. These are times of transition, compromise and surprise, endings and beginnings.

Cusps can be mystifying, but this isn't always a bad thing. It can be both a blessing and a curse to have the talents and limitations of two signs. You inherit not just the excellent aspects of each, but also their flaws. This opens up a whole new universe of possibilities.

How do you tell whether you were born on the cusp of a zodiac sign

You were born on a cusp if your birthday falls between any of the dates below. Here is what that signifies in terms of your personality traits and qualities, according to astrology.

Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp

Dates: 16-22 January

The most important aspect is their personal lives. These imaginative people are enthralled by inner fantasies and waking dreams. Capricorn-Aquarians may be frustrated with "actual" life at times since their interior lives are so rich. According to famous astrologers, the bleakness of their common world might feel confining and monotonous, making this distressed cusp feel as if their life is missing something. This sense of unease could have a bad impact on their personal relationships.

Aquarius-Pisces Cusp

Dates: 15-21 February

Aquarian-Pisces are known not just for their sympathetic, empathetic, and tolerant qualities, but they also have more outgoing personalities than you might expect. Being in the company of others can revitalise an Aquarius-Pisces, give them a feeling of purpose, and alleviate stress. This intrinsic yearning, however, is frequently accompanied by feelings of solitude and misunderstanding. Because they are frequently lost in their own thoughts, it can be sometimes difficult for these people to conduct a regular discussion with others.

Pisces-Aries Cusp

Date: 17-23 March

People born on Pisces-Aries cusp make successful leaders due to their inherent leadership skills and compassionate personalities. They aren't scared to act, and they aren't afraid to drag others along with them. However, if they think about it too often, they will begin to doubt themselves. This cusp, ruled by Neptune and Mars, is vested in their success.You are adamant about your beliefs and can be somewhat obstinate about them. Just let go of your obstinacy and pay attention to what others have to say for a moment. Any conversation can easily devolve into a heated disagreement. So unwind and engage in meaningful conversation with others.

Aries-Taurus Cusp

Date: 16-22 April

We're talking about complete dominance here. If you put an Aries-Taurus in a position of power, they will rise to the occasion. They will continue raising their level until they've mastered whatever game they're working on. They are outstanding art aficionados, nurturing companions, and perceptive leaders, as they are ruled by both Mars and Venus.

Taurus-Gemini Cusp

Date: 17-23 May

Ambitious yet grounded, educated and humble, inventive and adaptable, this cusp's behavioural traits are the best of both Taurus and Gemini. They are also productive, and when it comes to commitments, they might try to do too many things. The dual-ruled by Venus and Mercury have unlimited, youthful energy, which may be a benefit when focused, says the astrologer in Kolkata. However, if not channelled correctly, that energy can leave the holder feeling disoriented, jittery, and worried.

Gemini-Cancer Cusp

Date: 17-23 June

They may be lively and amazing, and their outgoing demeanour adds to the fun. They are ruled by the planets Mercury and Moon, and they prefer to be surrounded by individuals they know and trust, which might be difficult to earn. Gemini-Cancers are sensitive and affectionate, and they place a high emphasis on their family.

Cancer-Leo Cusp

Date: 19-25 July

When you have a mix the passionate Cancer and the fiery Leo personalities, even the slightest details might become exaggerated. They do, however, keep things interesting. When you first meet this Moon-Sun duo, they might appear shy, but at the end of the night, they woulddo all the talking and will not allow anyone else to speak.

Leo-Virgo Cusp

Date: 19-25 August

In this cusp, authority clashes with caution, desire clashes with excellence, and fire clashes with the earth. While these seemingly opposing personality traits may provide harmony to the Leo-Virgo cusp, there is evident conflict. Knowing just what to say at the appropriate time is a big skill set, and when this cusp gets behind a cause, they can be incredibly convincing.

Virgo-Libra Cusp

Date: 19-25 September

People born between the signs of Virgo and Libra are charming, creative, sensitive, clever, and compassionate. This cusp is noted for being good at putting parts together and is drawn to attractive people, great art, and sensuous pleasures. Indeed, for the Virgo-Libra cusp, event planning would be an excellent professional choice.

Libra-Scorpio Cusp

Date: 19-25 October

This cusp, which is ruled by Venus and Pluto, has the potential to be a sexual dynamo. However, its flammability can have downsides. To begin with, it's not easy to be the one who constantly tells it like it is, no matter who it may harm. People born on the Libra-Scorpio axis are fast to express their feelings. Therefore, don't ask them that difficult question unless you're prepared to receive a stinging retort.

Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp

Date: 18-24 November

People born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp are inclined to go against the norm, since they are ruled by Pluto, Mars, and Jupiter. Ask them to do it one way, and they'll teach you how to do it the other way. These are self-taught experts who learn via experience. They are the zodiac's wild child.

Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp

Date: 18-24 December

For a reason, the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp is known as the Cusp of Prophecy. In this daring and honest part of the zodiac, optimism meets reality, and they are wise beyond limit. Of course, everyone has a dark side, and this Jupiter and Saturn-ruled cusp is prone to a strong urge to exert control over their surroundings.

Final Word

If you are a zodiac cusp, consult a professional astrologer in Kolkata to unlock the mysteries of your cusp sign andmaintain the right balance in your life.

Feng Shui Body Clock – Physical Significance and Its Benefits

 A body clock is something that everyone possesses. Since you are programmed to sleep when it's dark and wake up when the sun rises, your body naturally follows a biological clock. Feng Shui also includes a sense of timing and rhythm. The Feng Shui body clock is based on the premise that you may make the most of your energy and particular organs by using them when they're at their best.

Individual organs throughout the body have different peaks in terms of their performance. The lungs, for example, are at their peak between 3 and 5 a.m. every day. Is there any benefit to adhering to the beliefs that explain the Feng Shui body clock? The best Feng Shuiexpert in Kolkata digs deeper into this idea, why it's thought to be advantageous, and what the evidence indicates.

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What is Feng Shui Body Clock

The concept of qi is at the heart of the Feng Shui body clock. Qi is supposed to circulate in 2-hour intervals across the different organs during a 24-hour period. Qi is thought to move inward while you sleep to thoroughly heal your body.

Between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m., the liver is thought to be purifying the blood, and this is one of the most crucial 2-hour intervals. During this time, the body gets ready for qi to resume moving outward from the body yet again.

2-Hour Intervals of Feng Shui Body Clock and Functionality of Correlated Organs

3-5 am: The lungs are at their most energetic during this time. It is said to be the best time to exercise, rather than later in the day.

5-7 am: This is the time when it is assumed that you should give yourself adequate time to honour the large bowel’s elimination function.

9-11 am: The spleen is assumed to be connected to the stomach, which is in charge of receiving and processing food and liquids. It's thought that the spleen is propelling qi upward during this time.

11-1 pm: According to the Feng Shui specialist in Kolkata, it's critical to reduce stress during this time because the heart represents serenity and tranquillity.

1-3 pm: As the qi increases and starts to peak at midday, it is thought that heavier meals will be digested better during this time.

3-5 pm: The kidney, which is directly related to the bladder, is said to be in charge of containing qi. They work together to expel undesired waste items from the body.

7-9 pm: Pericardium is thought to be the heart's defender. This is when qi is intended to be managed in order to avoid symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

9-11 pm: The triple burner (Chinese: San Jiao) refers to the endocrine system, and it is thought that this is when your body generates the maximum heat. This is the time when you should take rest or sleep so that your body can preserve energy for the next day.

1-3 am: Those who follow the Chinese body clock think it's necessary to give your liver as little work as possible throughout this phase so it can concentrate on its detoxifying functions.

How to Use the Feng Shui Body Clock for Health Benefits

It's thought that embracing the Feng Shui body clock principle will allow you to make the most out of specific organs and physical processes while they're functioning at their best. The lungs, for example, reach their peak between 3 and 5 a.m. During this period, waking up early for a workout session may help you optimise the capabilities of these organs.

Wrapping Up

The body clock is concerned with various organs as well as qi. Knowing that every organ has a daily repair/maintenance plan provides you with the opportunity to perceive how to treat yourself for better health. It also enables you to pinpoint which organ system needs strengthening. To have a better understanding of how you can use the Feng Shui body clock and the qi flow to your advantage, consult a reputed FengShui consultant near you.

Understanding Master Numbers: Interpreted by the Best Numerologist

 What are Master Numbers

Numbers in numerology embody both purpose and plan, the hows and the whys so as not only to point you to the discovery of your life's purpose but also the tools to better align yourself with your personal goals to get there. For without a road map, no journey is achievable. They reveal your hidden personality traits in terms of strengths and flaws so you may leverage the former while working on the latter.

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Further to this are the Master Numbers 11, 22, and 33 which pack an even bigger punch with their double dose of power digits. Their effects can seem intriguing because their power lies in the parallel and opposing characteristics of strength and hardship. Owning a Master Number and integrating it into your life is both powerful and challenging for these extraordinary numbers constitute the Triangle of Enlightenment. They’re distinctively charged with energy and demand an intense capacity for strength, stability and tolerance to master but what they’re capable of is immense personal growth in the bargain. They indicate the three stages of creation – visualizing, building, and sharing, says Anshulaa Patthak, an experienced numerologist in Kolkata.

Significance Of Master Number 11

It is the first “As Above” or Psychic Master Number. Unlike the reduced number 2 which represents follower types, this is the number of intuitive leadership- the  power of meta and mystical. It draws from your instincts, gut feel and the indirect conversations with the cosmos. These indirect messages from the universe seem to give them an incredible sense of knowing. This spiritual side is the natural impulse of Number 11- to explore the metaphysical and subconscious. Their belief and credence overtakes rationale. You find the feelers and empaths among these guys. They may experience great anxiety and nervous energy and as a result are most likely to suffer from paranoia and scepticism for no apparent reason. There is an effortless magnetism to their spiritual brilliance which makes them inspiring in how easily they connect emphatically.

If You Have This Number:

Since the Master Number 11 is so belief-centric, it's absolutely necessary to trust instincts than to hunt for concrete evidence.Take chances, follow your heart, and enjoy life on the spur of the moment, and believe in yourself and your abilities if you get a bad feeling about anything.

Overcoming obstacles can also be challenging because the excessive draining of emotional energy can deviate them from their chosen path. Since their supernatural energy is amorphously overdosed in different directions, focus is not their strong point; they need a strong sense of purpose to tide over the aimlessness and confusion before they can put it to any good use. Only when all that nervous energy is channelled into something tangible, do they have the power to create something truly magical.

Significance Of Master Number 22

According to the best numerology consultant, the Master Number 22, usually known as the Master Builder and creator of destiny. If 11’s spirituality signifies  “As above,” 22s are the doers and architects of “So below” manifesting the results here on earth.  As an architect of destiny, this powerful number enjoys the likelihood of success most among all numbers. It represents the full circle of life and the Tao of creation. Master Number 22 grants a special ability to commit to the most ambitious of plans and turn big dreams into reality. As a combination of 11 and 4, it has equal measures of 11’s spiritualism and intuition and 4’s realism and rationality to add layers to its success formula in terms of the confidence to execute big plans.

If You Have This Number :

You have the most effective traits that can spell success, and yet you have the tendency to push yourself too hard and eventually fail to see the enormous potential associated with the number 22. Life would be easier if you took the time to believe in your ability rather than berating yourself for not meeting your self-imposed standards and deadlines. You're already practical, logical, and a diligent worker. It's excellent to have those three attributes, but only if you remember you don't have to create outcomes all of the time to demonstrate your worth. So stop beating yourself up or second guessing your self.

Significance Of Master Number 33

Referred to as the Master Teacher, the Master Number 33 is the most influential and spiritually evolved among all the numbers. There is a sort of divinity in how they connect with people and the support and comfort they offer. Their spiritual energy is inexhaustible, rooted as it is in the number 6 of love and responsibility, of which they distribute freely as nurturers and care-givers. Sensitive, compassionate and intuitive, they’d rather the whole soul group prospers together. Gifted with unpretentious compassion and non judgemental insight into the recesses of human nature, their selfless intensity and kindhearted overzealousness for the betterment of humanity often becomes a cross to bear. Integrating the features of both the Numbers 11 and 22, improving their potential to match the next level of their innate goodness is accompanied by equally high levels of difficulty. Obviously, it’s no small ask mastering the strengths of both 11 and 22  which involves a great deal of inner work and spiritual giving.

If you have this number:

You find creative ways to help and nurture, often giving too much of yourself and getting tired and smothered in the bargain. You have the ability to turn your ideas into reality and assist others in self-improvement but in doing so you must find ways to recharge yourself from time to time. Else the excessive draining of your spiritual energy can become a great burden to carry physically and emotionally depleting your psychic energy. On the other hand, you could also become very judgmental and critical, in spite of your selfless giving, as you try to control the behaviour and emotions of those you seek to help. Individuals with Master Number 33 usually have no personal ambitions; their only concerns are for the greater welfare of humanity and what they can do to uplift society as a whole.

Bottom Line

The Master Number can occur in your life in different ways. Your numerology chart may contain the Master Number as your Destiny Number, Soul Urge Number, Personality Number, or Life Path Numbers. 

In the yin and yang of things, the more potential a number has, the greater is the karmic tendency to fritter away the opportunities to work on them. With great power comes great responsibility, so it’s never easy to own a high-potential number or astrology chart. They need a physical conduit that can regularly feed a burning ambition to keep their characteristics alive and a strong purpose beyond their personal ambitions in order to manifest their full potential on the earth plane.

You can discover your hidden powers with the best numerology consultation online with the renowned numerologist Anshulaa Patthak for living a life of awareness.

5 Plants That Bring Positive Feng Shui Energy in Homes

House plants help bring the outdoors in and provide a connection with nature, especially for those of us living in the city. Plants not only add to the beauty of our homes, but contribute to our productivity, feelings of happiness, freshness and rejuvenation, a sense of calm and therefore, also better luck- for what is good fortune if not the feeling of well-being?

They help calm our nerves, bring restful ease and improve sleep quality. As nature’s natural air purifiers and energisers, they bring in positivity and pleasant energy directly or indirectly into our environment. This is because plants have the propensity to lock in good Qi or energy, rebound negative Qi and balance other elements in a home by enhancing, reducing or nullifying their effects as required.

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Plants and the colour green are associated with the element of wood, healing and planet mercury- the planet of thoughts and communication. Working with houseplants using our hands to tend to them can calm our mind, slow down our thoughts and increase our mental capacity in so many ways. This then translates into better decisions and higher personal vibration to attract good energy, according to a well-known Feng Shui expert in Kolkata. The element of wood is also linked to growth and expansion, therefore covers wealth, family, health and money matters.

The East and Southeast of your home represent the wood element and are ideally suited for keeping houseplants to bring in the vital energy of growth and development into your home. Remember to avoid keeping plants in the bedroom, do not let them dry up or overwater them. Every plant has a unique personality and special abilities. She mentions some of  her own favourites below and how their individual qualities are transferred into the home they occupy.

1.      Peace Lily

As the name suggests, these white lilies signify purity and peace. According to the Feng Shui expert, the Peace Lily plant transforms negative energy into positive and soothing Qi, striking a balance between health and wealth, while resolving disputes and strife in your home. Research has endorsed these as one of the best air-purifying indoor plants effective in neutralizing common household pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde which cause headaches and disturb sleep patterns. They’re low-fuss and thrive easily in shade or moderate light and water.

2.      Pothos

Pothos, often known as the Money Plant or Devil’s Ivy, is one of the toughest houseplants. It is this quality that allows for positive energy flow while repelling negative energy in dark, neglected and dingy corners, softening sharp edges while also lessening negative thoughts, anxiety and stress. Keep the shoots pointed upwards to ensure prosperity and well-being. Pothos is a low-maintenance indoor plant that grows well in moderate light and barely moist soil.

3.      Jade Plant

Commonly known as the friendship or lucky tree, Jade is a very popular evergreen indoor plant. Its heart-shaped, thick, succulent leaves symbolize growth and prosperity. To invite good fortune, a Jade Plant should be kept in the southeast of your home while placing it in the East activates family harmony, initiation of projects and good health and in the west brings in good luck for your children. It grows well on sunny window ledges and moist soil.

4.      Aloe Vera

Easy to care for, Aloe Vera is one of the most popular houseplants. Its healing, protective and optimistic qualities rub off in the environment, warding off negative energy, says the renowned Feng Shui specialist in Kolkata. Its natural electromagnetic energy filtering abilities prevent electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices. Water your Aloe Vera plant only when the soil is fully dry, as a general rule. Thrives best in partial sunlight.

5.      Jasmine

If you wish to ignite romantic feelings, Jasmine is an effective house plant. The sweet and pleasant aroma of Jasmine helps  in relaxing a tense mind and reducing stress levels- the first precondition of romance. Jasmine plants should be kept in a cool and airy place. The Feng Shui expert recommends keeping your Jasmine plant near a south-facing window.

You might have wondered why spaces filled with plants bring you joy. The reason is plants, being living things, emit harmonious energy. Caring for them also fosters compassion, adaptability and kindness, which are qualities that every home requires. Plants that are dead, sick, fake or spikey do not help to produce this positive energy. To know more about Feng Shui plants for your home, consult with an experienced Feng Shui expert near you.

How Bazi Chinese Astrology Gives Better Feng Shui Results – Expert Analysis

Bazi Deciphered in the Form of a Time Code

Your Bazi is your complete date of birth data converted into the traditional Chinese calendar- the Hsia or Ten Thousand Year Calendar- to derive a snapshot of your complete astrological information. This intricate calendar factoring  in both lunar and solar month influences is the time-keeper of Chinese philosophy, if you want a very simple starting point.

The Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches are used to code time.

What exactly are they? To put it simply, the Stems represent the Yin or Yang expression of the 5 Elements/phases. So the Yang and Yin forms of the Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Earth Elements are represented by 5 x 2 = 10 stems.

Each year, month, day and hour is constructed from a stem and a branch, says the renowned Feng Shui specialist. For instance, 2016 was the Year of the Yang Fire Monkey, with the Yang Fire serving as the Stem and the Monkey being the Branch. The Yin Wood Goat/Sheep year was in 2015, the Yang Wood Horse was in 2014. 2021 is the Yin Metal Ox or Xin Chou year and so on.

Identifying Your Bazi

Your full date of birth includes the year, month, day, and hour of your birth. Using the Chinese coding system, we arrive at the "Four Pillars of (your) Destiny," which are divided into four divisions. The Four Pillars are as follows:

  • The first pillar is your birth year.
  • The second pillar is your birth month.
  • The third pillar is the date of your birth.
  • The fourth pillar is the date and time of your birth.

In Chinese, Bazi denotes ‘eight characters’  rather than ‘four pillars’.  Since each Pillar, like every time unit in the Chinese calendar, is made up of a Stem and a Branch, we end up with 8 characters in a Bazi chart: 4 Stems on top of 4 Branches, says an experienced Feng Shui consultant. That is how this system is constructed. These 8 characters hold all the information about an individual!

Both stems and branches move cyclically through years, months, days and hours lending their particular elemental characteristics to that particular moment in time. Going deeper, within a pillar are also found hidden elements which then add another layer.

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Your Bazi is your cosmic DNA imprint

You will have a Bazi chart once your complete date of birth has been incorporated into the 4 Pillars.

Each Pillar gives details about your character and aptitude for various occupations, your relationships and earning capacity, how you feel about money, the kind of people you are drawn to, your personality, physical appearance and potential, certain aspects of your karma and life goals.

 To put it another way, your Bazi is a treasure trove of information about who you truly are. It is up to a trained and knowledgeable Feng Shui and Bazi expertnear you to comprehend your Bazi and apply to your Fengshui. Your Bazi chart provides a unique "code" to identify your natural tendencies based on your date of birth, which is similar to your spiritual DNA.

Using Feng Shui and Bazi together

It is not only possible to combine individual Bazi and Feng Shui but the only way to blend them for powerfully customised applications of Fengshui in one’s living environment. This is because while some Feng Shui systems are enduring regardless of  date of birth details, other Fengshui tools can be employed to tap the individual’s personal Bazi energy quotient to maximise results in a living space. A good practitioner employs both techniques for successful Fengshui improvements.

The Luo Pan in Feng Shui is linked to the Bazi Time Code

Both Bazi and Fengshui use time-based techniques and a traditional Chinese Luo Pan or compass includes several layers of formulas to match these.

The eight primary directions are subdivided into the 24 mountains, which are divided into 24 sub-directions. Those mountains are made up of the same Stems and Branches that the Hsia calendar uses to code time, plus four more symbols (the 2 Earth Stems belong to the centre, rather than the Luo Pan ring). This timekeeping lends itself to Fengshui formula techniques ranging from compass readings of  45 degrees to 15 degrees to even a minuscule 2 degrees.

We have a comprehensive manifestation of the concept of the 3 Lucks (or 3 Factors) in action by combining Bazi and Feng Shui: Heaven, Human, and Earth luck.

Bazi is a combination of Heaven and Human Luck- being born on a given date owing to karma and the influence of parents and immediate family. Of these, Feng Shui is primarily concerned with Earth Luck, but it also considers the temporal aspects sent by Heaven. The Stems and Branches are thus a practical code for the Chi, which is TIME, a particular SPACE, and a PERSONALITY element all rolled into one! Their own nature is a representation of the three Lucks: Heaven, Human, and Earth.


Try matching a comprehensive Bazi analysis with your Feng Shui remodel if you want to experience a different form of Feng Shui and learn where your life is going. According to the Feng Shui consultant in Kolkata, this combination has consistently produced faster, more powerful and longer-lasting results.

Life Path Numbers and Their Interpretations – Explains Numerologist Anshulaa Patthak

 What Is Life Path Number?

You are born with a distinct numerology personality coded in your Life Path number that colours your life outlook and the way you think, just like your astrology zodiac sign. Metaphysically, Life Path numbers are another way to listen to what the universe has to say. It reveals layers about your thought process and  therefore your decisions - why you do the things you end up doing or not doing. This blog will assist you in better comprehending your life's purpose.

According to Anshulaa Patthak, who is regarded to be one of the best numerology consultants, these numbers also change as you go through life's missions and milestones, revealing both your permanent hidden talents and new gifts at each step.

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Life Path Number Interpretations

This is the total numerical value of all the digits in your date of birth reduced to a single digit. Each of these have intrinsic characteristics tied to them which reflect in your personality.

Life Path #1: The Leader

Strengths: Independent with natural leadership abilities

Challenges: To rediscover your inner strength by controlling your domineering nature.

A fatherly leadership position is bestowed on Life Path #1 for they are born to lead and protect their tribe. Since ambition and success is their middle name, life pushes them to become self-reliant. A self-sufficient #1 is almost always guaranteed outcomes regardless of challenges since these  natural born-protectors are meant to use their position to huddle their own.

Number 1 must turn on their God-gifted charm and diplomacy to strategise community objectives instead of being hot-headed. The more they look out for their tribe, the more they are likely to succeed in life.

Life Path #2: The Peacemaker

Strengths: Flexibility and compassion, ultimate survivor.

Challenges: Sensitive and conflict averse, they find it hard to stand up for themselves. Must learn to trust and open up about their own needs.

Life Path number 2 is the gentle artist, the politically correct diplomat, quickly understanding a situation and acting as mediator. This emphatic number is greatly skilled at diffusing tense situations. They soon become the backbone of any family or group, similar to a mother in a household.

Others often underestimate their power and strength. Due to their extreme flexibility, they are unable to take a stance in a resilient manner and often ignore their own truth.

Life Path #3: The Creative

Strengths: Extrovert, charismatic, energetic, natural communicators.

Challenges: Focus issues, going deep, starting with a bang but ending with a fizz.

Life Path number 3 is a natural-born salesperson with the gift of the gab. High on energy, attention and curiosity, they are the life of the party. Their outgoing personalities propel them to careers as artists or public figures, says the experienced Kolkata-based numerologist.

Experimenting with new ideas is their forte but the constant need for thrill can make it hard for them to stick to any one thing.

Life Path #4: The Manager

Strengths: Loyalty, stability, logic

Challenges: Rigid and fixated. Need to broaden the mind and become more adaptable to change

This number has a firm grasp of things, is logical, principled and stable and your go-to person in any project. They are hard-working, dependable and somewhat predictable. Their organisational skills allow them to patiently develop any craft.

This also means they expect a high standard of work from you too. Bending set norms is not their thing which makes them inflexible and averse to change.

Life Path #5: The Freedom Seeker

Strengths : Free-spiritedness, child-like wonder, adaptability, communicators

Challenges: Overcoming self-centeredness , indulgence and commitment to a purpose

The number 5 Life Path has a tendency to take off with a burst of energy. Others see them as unexpected and lively. Intellectual and inquisitive, 5 need a constant change of scene.

They would be bored without variation. This often leads to overindulgence and superficiality. Because of their dislike for monotony, self-employment is encouraged.

Life Path #6: The Nurturer

Strengths: Selfless and protective

Challenges: To discover self worth and consistency.

Number 6 Life Path is a combination of the #1 and #2 as protectors and servers, both at home and in professional life. Number 6 derives fulfilment in taking up for their loved ones or the underdogs as impassioned speakers, lawyers, activists, therapists or counsellors.They are the most unbiased of all the Life Path numbers since they keep an open mind.

Self-doubt is their biggest struggle with self-identity.  This can cause them to lose confidence and consistency and also means they ignore their needs and self-care.

Life Path #7: The Seeker

Strengths: Analytical, curious, imaginative

Challenges: To seek more consequential relationships without overcomplicating things.

Life Path number 7 aspires to fulfil their curiosity in the same way as Sherlock Holmes did. They enjoy puzzle-like difficulties in addition to their analytical abilities. They become admirable organisers thanks to their creativity and reasoning. They love their own company and thrive in their rich intellectual inner world. 

They struggle with deeper connectedness. Social contacts can assist #7 in developing a broader perspective allowing them better understanding and acceptance. They also struggle with the finer details of things.

Life Path #8: The Powerhouse

Strengths: Good financial sense, ambitious hard workers, realism

Challenges: Workaholics, Acceptance of things beyond control

Despite their innate spirituality, Life Path number 8 is primarily concerned with business, finance, and practicality. Gifted with money skills plus the willingness to put in long hours at work becomes their sure-shot combination to success.

They may believe that money is the hue of happiness at times. They feel that the dream can only be realised if everyone works together and much harder. They’re hard task-masters. Workaholics are often found in this number.

Life Path #9: The Humanitarian

Strengths: Idealism, uncompromising integrity, generous

Challenges: Attention-seekers, people-pleasers

The number 9 is a valuable resource for their global and local society, walking their talk with style, generosity and a lot of noise. They believe global awareness may be improved through connection, attention and humanitarian action. They have the chutzpah and social skills to inspire others.

They will help others while also celebrating their own sense of self-worth. While this is a good thing, they often go after fame at the cost of substance.

So, you see the associations between numbers and their owners are meaningful and mystical. They are often used to predict your future life path. To understand your Life Path Number and the essential secrets to your outlook, personality  and challenges, book an online numerology consultation with Anshulaa Patthak.

When we discover more about ourselves and how we are all connected to the cosmos, life becomes more spiritual and meaningful, she says.